Still I Rise Academy - Al Dana
A School to protect children of war.
- 7M More than 7 million children need humanitarian assistance.
- 4M More than 4 million children are out of school or at risk of dropping out of school.
- 10K More than 10,000 schools have been completely or partially destroyed by the war, one in two of the total in 2011.

With 6 million refugees abroad and 7 million internally displaced, 13 years after the conflict began, Syria is still the world's largest displacement crisis. The conflict has killed more than 600,000 people and destroyed hospitals, schools and entire neighborhoods. Although the situation has de-escalated since 2020, bombings and attacks between the various factions are still constant. In addition, the terrible earthquake of Feb. 6, 2023, not only killed 6,000 people and injured 13,000, but also made the economic situation spiral even more: 90 percent of the Syrian population lives in extreme poverty.

In March 2011, the Syrian conflict erupted when young people in Deraa defied the government, sparking nationwide protests against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Assad's brutal response triggered a complex civil war, with opposition factions initially divided internally. The conflict was further complicated by the entry of Kurdish militias and ISIS, involving international actors as well. Russia and Iran have supported Assad militarily, while Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United States have helped the opposition to a lesser extent. The United States has also supported Kurdish forces against ISIS, causing tensions with Turkey. In 2023 Gulf countries normalized relations with Assad, decisively changing the regional picture. As always, those who suffer the devastating impact of the conflict are always civilians, expendable pawns at the altar of geopolitics.
96% of enrolled students successfully completed the accelerated learning program.
We have reached 10290 people through our school rehabilitation and food security programs.
After 4 years of operations, we have totaled 13217 hours of lessons and psychosocial support for our students.

In 2020, in Al Dana city, we opened the first Emergency and Rehabilitation School in Harem district, redeeming children from IDP camps. Still I Rise Academy - Al Dana, nicknamed "Ma'an," offers high quality education, targeted child protection actions, and holistic programs of nutrition, psychosocial and health support to our students and their whole families.