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Yemen. Visit to Aden Oncology Center

Yemen: visit to Aden Oncology Center

A special time of sharing for our students

At Still I Rise Schools, we don’t just teach facts: we prepare our students to become agents of change, capable of actively contributing to a fairer world. Our boys and girls from the Emergency and Rehabilitation School in Yemen put this spirit into action by visiting the pediatric oncology center in Aden. Thanks to donations collected at the Ramada Bazaar, a solidarity event organized a few months ago, they delivered essential medical equipment to help young patients. But that’s not all: they brought smiles, color, and hope, gifting coloring books and pencils to 30 sick children and spending joyful and shared moments with them.

The visit is part of the Community Events, initiatives that we organize in all our Schools to engage students in solidarity projects and teach them the importance of supporting the community. This experience was a valuable opportunity for them to learn what it means to be an active part of the world around them. They also had the chance to speak with Dr. Muna, gaining important lessons on prevention and health, which they will now share with their classmates. Every day, our students learn how to make a difference, using education in the service of the common good.

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