Ma’an, which in Arabic means “together”, is located in the city of Al-Dana. At full capacity, the building can accommodate up to 80 boys and girls. To date, due to government restrictions to contain Covid-19, the center will support enrolled students and their families with the distribution of food packages as wait to start with educational activities.

«We worked hard during the lockdown to be able to open our Ma’an center as soon as possible. This is because the situation there is terrifying: with around 3.7 million internally displaced persons and the collapse of the Syrian pound, people live under the constant threat of bombing and the risk of starvation. Unfortunately, the coronavirus also arrived there, and it prevented us from opening as an educational center», explains Giulia Cicoli, Programs & Advocacy Director of Still I Rise.
«We decided not to give up and, respecting all the rules, we started to enroll students to whom we can donate food packages and try to understand how best to support them during the pandemic. It’s a drop in the ocean, but it makes a difference for these children. We were incredibly lucky to have found an excellent, professional, kind and passionate field team like us. One child at a time, together, we try to change the world». (Press release)