There continues to be great interest around Nicolò Govoni’s new book, Altrove, and the launch of the publishing brand Still I Rise – Edizioni. In December, the book was reviewed by many news sites and agencies, such as Agi and Io Donna. It was also featured in television and radio broadcasts on Canale Italia, Radio Lombardia, Radio Montecarlo, and RAI, among others.

During an interview with TGR Petrarca, Nicolò Govoni addressed the reasons why the publishing brand was launched. The aim is to publish books from countries where Still I Rise operates. “We want this publishing brand to be a megaphone for those voices that would otherwise be ignored. Our dream is to publish books by local authors, maybe even our students,” Nicolò Govoni said.

Altrove was also among the solidarity gifts recommended by the Regali per tutti website ahead of Christmas, as well as one of the ideas to support Still I Rise suggested by Elle magazine, Visto, and the social column AGI book.

The events of Still I Rise drew the attention of local newspapers. Il Giornale di Brescia and La Voce del Popolo covered the Through Our Eyes exhibition set up in Rovato (Brescia). Varese News covered the International Human Rights Day, which featured the presence of Giulia Cicoli. The event addressed the crucial issue of the reception and the education of refugee and vulnerable children.