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Campaign of Anna C.

A gift for my birthday

I would like to reach the goal of € 1,000 to support education worldwide! Help me!
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Who is Still I Rise?

Still I Rise is a nonprofit organization founded in 2018 to provide education, protection, and dignity to refugee and vulnerable children worldwide. Our mission is to end the global education crisis by opening international-level schools where they are needed the most.

We operate in six countries around the world: Syria, Kenya, DR Congo, Yemen, Colombia, and Italy, delivering excellent education, nutrition, medical care, and protection to thousands of children and families. Still I Rise was nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize.

Messages of hope from your loved ones

  • A From Anna
    I wish a lot of success to the organisation and I am happy to give my contribution! Education is the key to change the world!
  • A From Anomimo
  • Re From Rosanna e Mario
    Bellissima idea, auguri Anna!!
  • ra From rosaria anna
    Bellissima idea, Anna! Tantissimi auguri da mamma e papà!

Still I Rise

With your regular donation you can change the fate of the most vulnerable children in the world.

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