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2024 Student Survey:

2024 Student Survey:


In June 2024, we surveyed 221 Italian students and 472 students from SIR schools to understand their views on the future. The findings reveal significant differences in optimism and empowerment between the two groups.

  • 52% of SIR students believe the world is getting better
  • 77% of Italian students believe the world is getting worse.
  • 82% of SIR students look forward to their adult lives

The survey featured eight key questions, designed to elicit instinctive and honest responses from participants. These questions explored several critical areas:

  • Perception of Global Improvement: How do young people feel about the state of the world? Is it getting better or worse?
  • Perception of Violence: Are we becoming a more peaceful society, or is violence on the rise?
  • Optimism for Adulthood: How excited are young people about their future adult lives?
  • Empowerment and Impact: Do they believe they can change the world? Do they see themselves making a major positive impact during their lifetimes?
  • Future Outlook: What are their thoughts on how life will be personally, nationally, and globally in the next 20 years?

In comparison to their Italian peers, SIR students are more optimistic about the future.

The survey offers valuable insights into the mindset of today’s youth, highlighting the importance of fostering a positive and empowering environment. These findings can help educators, policymakers, and community leaders better support young people in feeling optimistic and empowered about their futures and the world around them.

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